Gonzo the Great is a performance artist weirdo type Muppet. He's my favorite as he's funny, loves chickens, and introduces people to great literary and musical classics with his strange acts.He can be wacky, excitable, and eccentric, but also soulful, contemplative, and introspective.
I really love his songs, especially I’m Going to Go Back There Someday, but other favorites include Jamboree, I Wish I Could Be Santa Claus, and Act Naturally.
Fun Facts
- He is the only main Muppet who has been performed by the same person since his creation.
- My favorite outfits of his are the chilli pepper shirt and the tuxedo. They can be found in the Gonzo Gallery.
- My favorite Gonzo fanfics are the ones written by Negaduck on Fanfiction.net. I especially love Muppets from Earth, but all of them feel like real Muppet movies!