Roly-Polys 2 Demo Found!
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 01:45:22A Roly-Polys 2 interactive demo has been found! :D
Even though it's only a demo and thus only shows off part of the America portion of the game, it's still really cool! There's a video of it here, and a download here. I'm currently working on a sequel to my Roly-Polys fanfic due to this :D Pon's voice is so cute!
Also NFTs suck. Bye!
Forums And Their Types: Yet Another Revisit
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 14:24:00ProBoards sucks now, and is officially almost as bad as vBulletin. Why? Because I can't log in anymore; whenever I click Log in, nothing happens, it just refreshes the page. There's not even any errors, which is the worst part. I don't have NoScript on, and I'm entering the correct username and password. On top of that, it's incredibly slow to load anything, and I can't just click on threads on the 2nd page and onward to load 'em in the current tab; I have to load those in another tab.
In better news, the rest of the forum engines are as decent as ever.
All the pups have their favorite foods, but all of 'em also love mangoes and go crazy for 'em. Hopefully soon, I'll get the opportunity to upload pictures of Honey, Jade, Opal, Black Pearl, Brownie, and Greenie.
Bonus! :D Here's a cool Roly-Polys public domain fanart I made recently:
Tigger Fun Fact and Some Art
Sat, 12 Nov 2022 12:44:13Tigger loves to stare at his reflection in the mirror all the time, as well as peer outside the window. Cool! Happy birthmonth to him!
Recently I found an old version of Kid Pix on, and it was pretty cool and really fun to play with! I loved making crazy art on Kid Pix Deluxe 4 as a kid, so naturally I'd gravitate to this as well. Here's some of my art I did:

Kid Pix 4 Rocks!
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 08:15:49Apparently it seems to work mostly fine in Wine, with the exception that I can't save Kid Pix projects or slideshows, so I have to take a screenshot instead. Also, certain brushes have a glitchy effect, which you can see in this Rainbow Forest picture.
Here are some pictures I made with it:
The Perils of Proper Preservation
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 07:55:12These are three intriguing games that have a game-breaking bug that prevents you from progressing further. (Although the third one's a bit debatable as I haven't been able to test it myself…)
The Kidnapped Princess
Only The Brave Can Rescue the Kidnapped Princess / Mystery Of The Missing Princess is a PC point and click adventure game released in 1997 developed by a company called Omnimedia which made budget video games. There's more info in this full playthrough's description and a review.
Game-Breaking Bug: The River Minigame. Due to the game's speed being tied to the CPU (common problem in old games like these), the river minigame goes so fast that it could potentially cause seizures! Even if you use a slowdown program or run the game in a VM, it still goes super fast, although it is WAY slower than otherwise! Every time the boat crashes into the seizure-inducing trees, it goes backward, so you can't finish the game! Thankfully, this bug has been worked around although it took a miracle + a VM + a CPU throttler. Turns out that in the end the princess was in her room all along! O_O
Crayola Paint ’n Play Pony
A cool art program for kids developed by IBM and released in 1998.
Game-Breaking Bug: Not really game-breaking, but you can't access the stable without a patch which is long gone from the web. According to Superkids, the stable's "where colts, yearlings and grown horses must be fed, brushed and shampooed. Older horses love to have their muscles rubbed with liniment, their hooves oiled and their legs re-bandaged".
Adiboo and the Magical Seasons
A party game released in 2009, which is part of the Adiboo edutainment game series by Coktel Vision.
Game-Breaking Bug: Like I said above, this one's debatable as I can't find any way to acquire this. But all the videos of this online, don't show off any minigames past the first one where you collect bubbles. Here's the longest one I found. The rest of the game is just a bunch of clickpoints, nothing else. Only the trailer shows off any minigames! Are they only available in multiplayer mode or something? No clue…