Odie vs. the Bed, & some new articles
Mon, 02 Jan 2017 08:20:24Earlier this month, Odie learned to climb on the bed, and he now does it very often. Usually he gets down by himself or by people putting him down.
Also, sorry about not putting the promised photos: I got my camera back late last month (though the transfer cable wasn't fixed yet), so I'll put them someday... ;)
Also, some new articles have been released, and the first one released is about files and videos that are gone from the 'net. ;)
Pinkie vs. the Bed and Me Online
Mon, 16 Jan 2017 19:09:38
No more ticks! :D
Strangely, again my mother sent the camera to the repair shop, and again it came back, and still the transfer cable is not fixed!
But all's not lost! :) We're planning to buy a card reader to put the card with the puppy videos in for transferring! Sorry again for still not putting up the promised photos...
Anyway, Pinkie has also learned to jump on the bed, but she doesn't do it as much as Odie. And, no more ticks! It's been a long time, so now we can safely declare the ticks eradicated! :D
And I've been on the Finfin Forums and the Junior Adventures Network (OdieFinfun and OdieFreddi respectively; notice the trend? ;) ). (I've also been on some other forums, but I don't want to reveal them for various reasons... ;) And they're not bad reasons; I just need privacy ;) it's not XXX either :P).
More Ticks, and a New Fanpage!
Mon, 13 Feb 2017 05:13:14
Yes more ticks! D: And a new fanpage. :D lol
Suddenly, more ticks have arrived! We thought there'd be no more ticks! Fortunately, Odie and Pinkie itch where the ticks are, so my mother can remove them easily.
Also, we looked at pictures of Maltese puppies, and Pinkie and Odie look similar, and since the breeder (don't buy from breeders, if you can! ;) Hopefully we got lucky) said the pups are Lhasa Apso cross, we think they might be actually Lhasa Apso/Maltese cross! :D Since Maltese only come in white (sometimes with tan patches)... ;)
Also, a new fanpage, this time about Re-Volt, has been released. :D
Thu, 16 Feb 2017 17:50:58

Sadly no pics of my real puppies yet. :( (Because they have not been transferred to my computer) Hopefully in the next post :)
Also, in December the puppies were given an old purple bowling ball (which also came with some bowling pins that the bottom has broken off of, but those were not given to the puppies), and also, for Christmas, a new green bone chewtoy! I also plan to take pictures of those, but they'll be uploaded with the puppy pictures, hopefully in the next post (or if not, soon)!
Coming Soon...
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:40:19
Coming soon: A guide on ponifying (modifying Arch Linux for bronies), general children's games article (featuring ClueFinders, JumpStart, Reader Rabbit, My Personal Tutor...), my CDs article (featuring Kid Pix), a Zoo Tycoon 2 article, an article about abandoned projects, ;) and a Neopets article, puppy pictures...
(And don't worry, these things WILL come... ;) ).
For now, I made a new site on Wix.com! :D ;) :)
Coming soon to a website near you... ;)
Photos coming soon!
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 14:25:47
Pictures were finally transferred, but only on my brother's computer. He'll transfer them to mine and then...
New post coming soon about Odie and Pinkie's breeds.
Ruby joins the house!
We've got a new puppy in the house named Ruby! We got her on April 1 :P from a breeder, and she's a 1 month old German Spitz. She is brown and white and cute and her teeth are very sharp. She likes to bite my fingers. :P Odie is Ruby's uncle and Pinkie is Ruby's aunt ;) We also took pictures of her (coming soon!). Now if only we had a 1 month old boy German Spitz named Perl... ;)
Pseudo-video of the Lhasas
Mon, 08 May 2017 19:20:32
Here it is. (Edit: As of 2024, it's sadly gone.)
It's not a video of our pups, but it's a video of a dog who looks like our Lhasas. His name is Cotton, and his channel is quite new. It's updated roughly monthly, not weekly (unlike what the channel banner says). I was searching for videos of Lhasa Apsos today, and I found this video and showed my family it.
Cotton looks almost exactly like our pups, but he has no markings. Our dogs have markings. Specifically, Pinkie has a big black marking covering her left (our right) half of her face (including ear), while Odie has black ears, two circles around his two eyes (the two circles don't touch), a black spot on the forehead, an almost heart-shaped stripe around his back, and his butt is fully black (and half his back legs too, and half his tail also).
There are no direct pictures of our puppies because my brother is not transferring the pictures from his computer to mine, because he is lazy. ;P
Cotton, the lookalike/doppelganger of our Lhasas (except the markings).
The Promised Photos
Fri, 12 May 2017 19:37:12

Tada! From upper left to bottom right (top to bottom), we have:
- Pinkie sitting.
- Pinkie looking at me (my current wallpaper on Arch Linux).
- Pinkie Laying Down.
- Odie laying down and striking a handsome pose.
- Odie tilting his head.
- Odie standing.
Pictures of Ruby coming tomorrow or later today.
In other news...
Fri, 12 May 2017 20:09:47
WordPress vs. Wix, and Odie vs. Pinkie vs. Ruby. ;)
Pinkie and Odie are now 9 months old. :D
Ruby, the 2 month old German (actually Indian) Spitz pup, is a vacuum cleaner. She likes to collect dust from around the house and try to chew on it. We have never failed so far at catching Ruby dust-mouthed. ;) :P She also loves to bite a lot, but that's just because she's teething, so it's normal. We have been dissuading her from biting our hands (and other not allowed objects) though. Also, toilet training has been difficult; she keeps peeing in the cage (which is the same cage as Odie and Pinkie's cage, but since Pinkie and Odie, the twins, are almost always outside now, and we don't want to spend too much money...). Sometimes she pees in the right place though, so she's making progress! :) Also, Ruby plays tug-of-war sometimes with Odie and Pinkie.
I prefer WordPress over Wix. While Wix is still great (mostly for its customizing features), one problem is that you can't open new tabs while using Wix sites. Instead, you have to click on a menu button and the page goes to a new page. You can't middle-click, or right-click and click on Open New Tab, on these buttons. Also, the editor is a bit too laggy to use often, and I had overlaying issues with the logo since I had to make a separate background for the logo and sometimes the text wouldn't show in front of the separate orange background.
See ya for now! :)
Game Recommendation #1
Fri, 19 May 2017 11:21:05
LDW (Last Day of Work)'s games are great! They're all simulations and one of them is even a free full game on their official site! It's called Fish Tycoon and you can download it here. :)
It's a game about breeding fish and taking care of them. You basically have to find all the seven magic fishes to win the game, and afterwards, for fun, you can try to find all 441 fish! :D
There's a free Flash version available at many sites which is basically a demo for the full game (which used to cost money, of course). There's also a new (released this year) sequel to Fish Tycoon, but it's only for mobiles at the moment, so... ;) (But you may want to give it a try if you're reading this on a phone or tablet, which you most likely are ;) ).
There's more at the link above. Go download Fish Tycoon now (and check out their other games while you're at it! Plant Tycoon's also recommended)! :D
Ruby Image!
Fri, 19 May 2017 11:44:31
Only one, but it's a good picture of Ruby (who was born on March 1st, actually), and it also shows part of her cage.
Those are some of the toys of Ruby. The pink lid is rarely used now since it was bitten hard by the pups, and the yellow rope is for Ruby to bite (Ruby bites hard; kind of an understatement ;) ). She now also has a green ball and one of the two white balls (the other white ball is for Odie and Pinkie).
Ruby loves to play with the mug, and so Pinkie and Odie love it too. They chase the mug and Ruby around the house. Ruby also hasn't mastered the art of jumping on the bed yet, but she tries really hard... ;) Sometimes, Ruby gets angry at Odie and Pinkie for jumping on the bed. :P
More pictures coming later. ;)
The Dogs' Names
Wed, 31 May 2017 19:39:04
Odie, Pinkie, and Ruby. Why these names and not Scooby Doo, Choco, and Rainbow Dash? :P
Odie: Of course, his name is gotten from Odie Dog, from the Garfield comics, because Odie slurps a lot. In fact, I named him Odie before we knew he slurps! :o
Pinkie: Her name's gotten from Pinkie Pie from MLP:FIM. I already wanted to name a dog Pinkie, so... ;)
Ruby: Ruby's name was gotten from two previous dogs who my mother used to have at different times. (So my mom named three dogs Ruby in her lifetime. Wow. :P
Recent Events
Mon, 12 Jun 2017 19:44:31
Odie and Pinkie demand more belly rubs nowadays. Ruby has gotten all three of her vaccinations. Pinkie and Odie are 10 months old, while Ruby's 3 months old. Today, Ruby got her third vaccination (and made a fuss over it, of course ;) ). Odie, Pinkie, and Ruby played tug-of-war yesterday and today.
Today, something amazing happened. You see, Ruby pup tried very hard to jump on the bed on her own, and it's good that she couldn't since she could hurt herself if she jumped down (in fact, when we put her on the bed yesterday, she jumped down and landed on her back. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt, but still). But, today, when Ruby saw the white ball, she tried again, but this time, Ruby did it! :D She jumped on the bed, and chewed the ball. I put her down from the bed, but she jumped again when she saw the ball. It wasn't easy, but she did it. Then, when my mother came, she tried to make Ruby jump and she did! After a while, at least. ;) She even jumped down right this time!
Well, so long for now! But wait, there's more... ;)
Game Recommendation #2
This time, we have two games!
Caravel Games's DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death) is a fun puzzle game series (actually, the World's Best Puzzle Game Series). It is turn-based, so you can think as long as you want about how to solve puzzles. You kill monsters with your Really Big Sword, and while that's the primary thing, it's not the only thing you have to do (since this is a puzzle game series after all!). The games (all of them after DROD: Architect's Edition, the first one I ever played, which is free without a demo, but I haven't tested whether it works in Windows 7 yet) have level editors, and demos, but don't worry, the only things missing from the demos are the other styles in the level editor, and since you can download custom styles, put them in the demos, and they'll work fine, it's not a big deal. There's also only part of the main hold (sets of levels) included in the demos, but again, custom holds are available online, and they work just fine (rhyme) in the demo versions. There's only some music available in the demo, but you can put your own in your holds. CaravelNet is also missing from the demo versions. CaravelNet allows you to share, rate, and upload holds directly from the game (kind of like downloading addons, like karts and races, directly from the game in Super Tux Kart). I don't really need it myself, though. :) DROD:AE (Architect's Edition) has been distributed in many free game compilation CDs (that's how we got our version of it). Anyway, there are many elements to the game other than just monsters. Check it out here.
The second game is Re-Volt, developed by Acclaim Entertainment and released in 1999. I made a huge fanpage about it that you should check out here. It's a cool, awesome racing game. :D
Forums And Their Types
Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:06:14
vBulletin vs. ProBoards vs. Invisionfree.
vBulletin: Seems to be the worst (keyword is seems), since I tried to get an account on both Caverns of Blood Forums and Dreamviews Forums, and both have the same problem. When I enter my account info, it says the usual stuff, (no need for account verification though, which is good because... since it's offtopic, see below), but then when I try to customize my profile and save changes, it says Permission denied, even when I log back out and log in again! But in the case of Dreamviews, it actually said Time-out when I tried to customize my profile after I clicked on Edit Profile (since the account name was there even though it said Permission denied), and logging out and logging back in worked! And, in Dreamviews, when I try to change my profile picture to something that is lower than the maximum amount, it says "Unable to save picture". Don't use vBulletin if you know what's good for you.
ProBoards: Seems to be the best one so far (keyword is seems ;) ), since you can create your own avatar using Flash, or choose your own, and there aren't any problems that I experienced with it! The only problem is that it requires account verification. Proboards is used by the RKC Petz Forums. Even the search works somewhat well. The only problem I had was user error ;)
Invisionfree: See ProBoards ('cept the user error part ;) ). Some of the forums that use this are Re-Volt Live and Our Re-Volt Pub.
Forumotion: Also good. See ProBoards (again, other than the user error part ;) ). Its advantage is that you can view forum profiles while being a guest. I forgot whether ProBoards allows you to do that, but the other two certainly don't ;) Junior Adventures Network and the Slums of Elwood Forums use this.
Custom Forums: Of course, the real winner is Custom Forums (if possible). If you make your own forums, you have full control over how to make something work, and when people complain about bugs, they can complain to you and you can fix it, unlike the others which are third-party.
Simple Chat: There are many chat services, but one has closed down and it was the one that hosted the Furb-o-Vision chat, so... ;) Not the best option unless you maintain your site regularly and do backups of the chat. I know about Cbox, but I'm sure there are others that you might want to check out. I think simple chat is the best one if it works well, since you don't have to sign up and you can talk about anything you like. It also is easy to implement. The only problem is you can't search for a topic you talked about previously without going through pages and pages of archives.
So, simple chat and custom forums seem to win! Second is Forumotion, third is Proboards, third is Invisionfree, and fourth is vBulletin.
Don't know about WordPress, though. Maybe custom WordPress allows chat? :o (Or you can just comment ;) )
Oh BTW, since some of these forums don't allow you to search without logging in (or don't allow you to type less than 3 letters in you search query, or their search is generally bad), type this into Google: search query you want to type site:site you want to search in (no space; you can type dedoimedo.com, http://www.dedoimedo.com, http://dedoimedo.com, or even ducky.com/rubberducky/pink/! ;) ). Example: windows xp site:dedoimedo.com.
(Offtopic Edit on Aug 4, 2017: Here's why no account verification is good: At the time of writing this post, my e-mail account wasn't accessible since when I clicked Sign in, it said Server Error, try again later. A few days later, it somehow worked again and I could sign in, but my point still stands; but I do understand why account verification is there; it's to prevent spam along with CAPTCHA.)
A short update
Mon, 26 Jun 2017 11:33:32
Pinkie likes to try and take my toys, but she favors my pony plushie. ;)
Game Recommendation #3:
Copoka is a game about a bird. It was released on Steam and it's great, from what I've seen. I haven't played it yet, but I watched some of an LP. Basically, you fly around, collecting twigs for your nest, while listening to the people in the city (if you want to ;) ). Sadly, there's no Linux version. :( It requires 64-bit also, but fortunately I have 64-bit Windows 10 on my laptop, so I can play it. :) It was released on July 1, 2016, by Inaccurate Interactive, and you can play it with a keyboard or a controller (not the mouse though, sadly :( ). Go play it! :D]
Sun, 02 Jul 2017 04:35:19
When I kiss Pinkie, Pinkie "kisses" back. (That is, she slurps/licks.)
How the pups eat
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 00:54:51
Ruby: One second the food's there, the next, it's gone!
Odie and Pinkie: One year the food's there, the next, it's gone.
(Actually it's ten minutes in real time. ;) )
Bonus - Me: See Odie and Pinkie, except it's more than ten minutes usually. ;)
I have a MEGA account now!
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 11:23:09
Here's a link to the Windows XP Pinball game from it. Right now it only has that, but soon it'll contain other useful stuff.
Cool Google trick!
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 16:20:39
If you copy and paste a search term and click I'm Feeling Lucky, it works (goes to the first search result)! This is because it doesn't automatically go to the search results page. :D
Happy Birthday, Odie and Pinkie!
Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:13:05
Celebrated Odie and Pinkie's birthday by giving them kisses and hugs.
Muscular Ruby
Mon, 18 Sep 2017 04:32:08
Ruby is now 7 months old and she is very muscular. The only place where she doesn't have any muscles is her tail! :P She fights with Odie and Pinkie a lot; the dogs run around the house and growl and bark at each other. Ruby sometimes dominates Odie and Pinkie, who are older than her!
When I try to lift Ruby, she runs away! Sometimes Odie and Pinkie do that, too, but not as much as Ruby Pup, thankfully. ;)
Her ears also went up fully a few months earlier. Ruby is fast and energetic, and her claws and teeth are very sharp. She has many favorite toys.
New photos of her coming as soon as possible!
Dogs' Reactions to the Balcony
Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:12:22
Odie and Ruby jump down the small stairs and go into the balcony readily, while Pinkie is hesitant to go down the small stairs, and has to be carried. Conversely, Odie is hesitant to go back up the small stairs! I don't know about Ruby, but Pinkie can jump back up well. The stairs are 3 steps long. :P
Also, Pinkie and Ruby have motion sickness.
Doggy Antics
Sun, 10 Dec 2017 01:28:56
Pinkie Dog likes to stare at me a lot. :P Ruby Dog jumps and runs off the bed very fast. Ruby images coming soon! ;)
We rearranged the furniture in the house, and so Odie Dog has been provided a small bed so that he can jump on it and look outside the window, sometimes barking at people. Video of him doing so coming soon! ;)
Watch Pinkie's reaction to weird sounds in an upcoming video! (When she was younger, when anybody made a weird sound, she tilted her head; same with Odie and Ruby.) Now she just stares at me and then pounces :P
Odie's Ball
Mon, 18 Dec 2017 10:00:48
When I told Odie that the ball was on the small bed near the window, he immediately went towards it and picked it up. Cool! ;)